Depending on the requirements on the SAP Web Application Server there are different possible features, depending on which installation routine is used.
SAP Web Application Server ABAP System : Complete infrastructure in which ABAP-based applications can be developed and used.
SAP Web Application Server Java System : Complete infrastructure for developing and using J2EE-based applications.
SAP Web Application Server ABAP + Java System (Add-In Installation) : Complete Infrastructure in which ABAP-based and J2EE-based applications can be developed and used. This installation emphasizes the seamless Java ABAP integration.
One of the main characteristics of the SAP Web AS is that ABAP tables, programs and application data are stored in the ABAP schema of the database while Java data is stored in the Java schema. Here, the ABAP runtime environment can access the ABAP schema of the database, and the Java runtime environment can access the Java schema. The SAP Java Connector is used for integrating the ABAP environment and the Java environment. (JCo).
- Copied from TADM10 week 1 Training Module -